
What is Job Involvement?

What is job involvement?

Job involvement, also referred to as job participation, is the degree to which an employee identifies with their work, actively participates in it, and derives a sense of self-worth from it. When employees understand the potential for meeting their personal and organizational needs for growth, success, security, recognition, and contributing to the team and organizational goals, they are more likely to become more psychologically and emotionally invested in their job and the company’s mission.

Employees who possess a high level of job involvement care about their work, identify with it, and have a more positive attitude, impacting their performance, engagement, and effectiveness. This leads to lower absence and turnover rates and contributes to the morale and productivity of an organization. In other words, job involvement plays a significant role in an employee’s satisfaction, performance, and commitment to their organization.

Organizations worldwide have been using Lodahl & Kejner’s job involvement scale to determine how their employees feel about their jobs using a 10-point questionnaire.

This concept is highly relevant to HR professionals. By fostering job involvement in their organization, they help build a committed, productive workforce.